Diagnostic Medicine
Sometimes it isn’t straightforward to make a diagnosis by just listening to your story and examining you. Blood tests are therefore often an important component of any clinical consultation. The clinic offers a comprehensive service of identifying the appropriate biochemical investigations for you on the basis of your personal circumstances and on review of your medical details. We provide you with a written report of you results with explanatory notes. Common enquiries include requests for analysis of Vitamins, particularly vitamin D, hormone profiles and cholesterol testing.
The clinic does not recommend having tests done without discussion with an appropriate health professional and will only arrange for most testing once you have been reviewed by Professor Datta. In our experience, carrying out tests without professional input results in unnecessary anxiety and sometimes inappropriate medication recommendations.
Laboratory Testing
All testing is carried out in laboratories accredited by UKAS, including Spire Healthcare Laboratories. Not all private providers use accredited laboratories, which is an approach that we do not recommend.